advanced technologies on their way to the market

Who we are?
We are an investment fund that engages in technology projects at an early stage of development. We invest in entrepreneurial visionaries.
We are experts in technology analysis, which makes us see values that others do not see.

Our goal
Our goal is to support people with hearts to create. We help not only by recapitalising, but also by enabling cooperation with large technology companies and industry.
If you have a unique know-how and entrepreneurial flair, we will help you to create a company and show you how to increase its value.
Areas of investment
For creators
We are looking for projects that take the state of the art to a whole new level – we have been searching for such gems for years. So far we have managed to create a dozen of companies that change the world around us.
With the support of us and our partners, we will provide you with the opportunity to build the value of your project. We have the experience to help you spread your wings.

Do you have a unique know-how and entrepreneurial flair?

Chitosan hydrogel casing dedicated for unprocessed food which enable to prolong products’ freshness without disturbing their sensoric parametres.

Modern 3rd and 4th generation emitters for OLED display and lighting applications, exhibiting high stability.

A spherical inspection drone, characterised by exceptional durability and areodynamical construction. The concept ensure dynamic work in hard environment.

An highly-effective Omega-3 fatty acids concentration method. A prepared product can be utilized to manufacture food additives, supplements, nutraceuticals and drugs.

Technology of non-phtalate health safe PVC plasticizer synthesis in the process of PET waste recycling.

An Image analysis and event detection system utilizing artificial intelligence algorithms and very efficient signal’s transcoding.

Alternative to pyrolysis and combustion, microwave processing of solid sewage sludge with obtaining: diesel oil, activated carbon and water fertilizer.

Flexible, energy-saving ceramic composite antennas dedicated for future 5G applications. FGHz antennas allows to work at several bands at once.

Reliability Solutions
An inteligent and easy to use system of predictive maintenance which utylize Big Data and Machine Learning mechanisms.

An innovative but also simple to operate and implement system, which major task is to introduce economical driving in railway transport. Tests, by far, indicated 15% energy’s costs reduction in average.

Olympus Sky
A decentralized and latancy-free system of encryption keys management, designed to secure IOT networks, without servers and certification process.

Process to extract residual resources from the ashes generated in the production process and then compress the waste into safe and easy to store ”bricks”.

Breakthrough technology of getting more power from existing power generators, while keeping them still in safety work range.

Constructed with use of new technologies, an electromagnetical mill, which – with use of liquid medium – enable to use it in industrial production of i.a. nanocelulose. The device enable to obtain micro and nanoparticles in the whole volume in very short time.

A method of manufacturing of high-quality aotological fibroblasts’ preparations, which thanks to innovative proliferation technique retain high bioactivity and ability to make intensive cells’ divisions.

Modern magnetic nanoceramics increasing efficiency of high-frequency powering systems.

Modern mineral binders based on reformed Sulphur, exhibiting high mechanical parameters, and able to reuse by recycling.

For investors
The rights to technological solutions are seemingly insignificant, but they account for as much as 80% of the assets of the 500 largest companies in the world. As technology experts, we can see these values wherever others do not see them yet. Then we show how to use them to deliver maximum benefits.
We cooperate with entities from many areas of industry and look for business partners who want to develop with us and increase their value. By combining science, business and industry, we make benefits possible for everyone.
Invest with us in breakthrough technologies to create and monetize the future

Contact us
Polski Instytut Badań i Rozwoju
ul. Rajców 25
PL-00-220 Warszawa
Are you an creator?
Marek Romanowski
+48 791 361 952
Are you an investor?
Aleksandra Donocik
+48 512 262 418

The project „Fundusz Bridge Alfa Polski Instytut Badań i Rozwoju Inwestycje” („Bridge Alfa Fund Polish Institute for Research and Development Investments”) co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund under the Intelligent Development Operational Programme.
The project is a part of BRIdge ALFA – the National Centre for Research and Development competition.
Grant amount: 24,000,000.00 PLN
Size of the fund: 30,000,000.00 PLN